New structuring in the youth team technical staff of VakıfBank Sports Club

VakıfBank Sports Club, the athlete factory of Turkish volleyball, made a new restructuring in the youth team technical staff. While Barış Özdemir was appointed as the Youth Team Technical Coordinator, Üzeyir Özdurak was assigned as the Youth Team Talent Search Officer. 

A new restructuring was realized in the Youth Team technical staff of VakıfBank Sports Club, which has trained countless athletes for Turkish volleyball. 

Barış Özdemir, who previously worked as a coach in VakıfBankYouth Team, returned to the club as Youth Team Technical Coordinator after a short separation. Bahadır Bircan and Hüseyin Baykal also joined the technical staff as youth coaches in the new season.

Within the scope of the restructuring, Üzeyir Özdurak was also appointed as Youth Team Talent Search Officer.